My hopes and dreams...

 The main reason that I started this blog was so that I'd have all of my different ventures in one place. Someone could find my website, and be able to access all of my different links to my attempts at running businesses. I'm still trying to get that all situated, so anyone looking for anything ArrinnJamie brand can find it easily. But be patient with me, I'm also working on living life in a completely different way than I had before, back with my family in my home state, separated from my husband and trying to learn how to live life without him with me at every step, and on and on. 

But this blog is also supposed to be where I can write about whatever I feel like writing about, and people can choose to read it or not. It's also the place where I want to document me working on achieving my hopes and dreams. Being successful and making money with all of these ventures is just part of my hopes and dreams.

I dream of being successful, yes, but I also dream of being able to support myself and not have to depend on other people for absolutely everything. I've been a stay at home mom for years, and in that time, I rarely ever had my own money. Sure, my husband and I had a joint bank account that I had free access to use whenever I needed, but it was always his money, not mine. I had worked for short periods of time over the years, and I did love some of the jobs I did, but circumstances changed, and me being home with the kids just made more sense for us at that time. I had tried to do some side gigs through the years, from answering surveys, to offering gigs on Fiverr, to making crafts and trying to sell them, and even several failed attempts at MLMs. I haven't made decent money in years, and definitely nothing that can support myself and my kids at all. When I used to do craft shows, I considered it a success when I would just make back my booth fees, because most of the time, I didn't even earn that back. I've never been good at selling anything at all. I love making things, I'm just terrible at the selling aspect of it.

With how bad I am at selling things, it makes sense that I haven't really made any money on any of these current ventures either. I have so many things I'm trying to sell to make money, and none of them have been successful yet. I think I might need to take a class to learn how to sell things. Maybe that would help.

Classes are another thing that I've been trying to do lately to follow my dreams. I want to be a healer, and although I do have some basic knowledge, I want to be able to say that I've taken classes on the topic. Right now, I'm working through Reiki classes, so that I will hopefully soon be able to be a reiki healer. I'm taking a class on nutrition because I want to be able to help people eat healthier and heal themselves with food. I will be taking a variety of other classes as well, including herbs, aromatherapy, auras, chakras, life coaching, meditation, spiritual counseling, and more. 

There's other classes that I'm working on taking, but they are more for making money if my dreams don't pan out. I like medical things, medical terminology is pretty simple to me, so I've been working on some medical terminology classes, as well as some medical coding and medical billing classes, so that I can at least find a job in one of those sectors while working on making my real dreams come true.

I want to travel, I want to enjoy new places and new experiences. I want to take my kids all the places that previous generations never thought to, places that never seemed available to go to. My family has always been the kind of family that just work, work, works, and never goes on real vacations anywhere. If there was any sort of trip, it was just to visit some family out of town. Most of my family still lives within an hour or less of the family hometown. Many of the family members are actually afraid of travel at all. Most family members have never been able to afford to travel anywhere either. Working class is the highest socioeconomic status my family had ever risen to. While in adulthood, my husband technically makes more money thatn my family ever had in the past, it's still just working class. Vacations are usually camping or visiting family or friends. We don't go places that would cost us extra money. We just can't afford it. Which is why traveling is such a dream for me. None of my family really understands the dream, because they've all just made do with what life has handed them. They all feel like they shouldn't ever try to be better than the previous generation. Generational trauma is terrible like that. 

My dreams are to have a camper that is able to be off grid for long periods of time, with solar panels and batteries, rainwater collection and purification systems, a composting toilet, soaps and cleaners that are environmentallly safe, space for cooking as much as I can from scratch, and having space for prepping supplies as well. I yearn to be able to forage for some of our needs. I want to be able to make our own medicine with tinctures and teas. I want to be able to live off grid as much as possible, as often as possible. I want to be able to go to people who need whatever kind of healing I can provide for them, and not need them to pay me with money for my services. I want to be able to live fully in a bartering system, and be able to leave the rat race of modern life behind. But that dream is unfortunately a long way off from now, so I have shorter term goals to get me to that point.

I dream of exiting the rat race of modern life, of living my life fully free from all things that hold me back, of traveling to magickal holy sites around the world, of maybe setting up a home base nearby a special place on earth. I dream of living life without my past traumas and generational traumas affecting me every day of my life. I dream of being able to work on myself to constantly become better than I was the day before. I dream of having the time to be able to spend the day with my kids, doing something fun and educational, inspiring them to live their lives how they want, not how I want. I dream of being able to experience all life has to offer, and not just accepting life the way it was handed to me like so many of my ancestors. 


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