Don't Happy, Be Worry... Wait... Merch!


A few months back, I read (ok fine, it was an audiobook of it, but it still counts!) a book called the 4 Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss, which was part of what inspired me to try my hardest to have a variety of sources of income so I can eventually become truly self sufficient and not have to worry about money all the time. It is a good book, though some people question many of the methods in the book. 

Sure, there's some questionable practices like paying someone in a foreign country to do your work for you for a cheaper cost, and having more free time to yourself. I don't personally like that idea, but the idea of outsourcing your work could be helpful if those people you're outsourcing it to don't have any ways to make money on their own in other ways. But that's besides my point.

The book had some decent quotes here and there about life in general, and one of my favorites can be summarized with the phrase "Don't happy, be worry... wait..." which is a wonderful summary of those who are questioning why we choose to live in the rat race of modern society. Those who don't like the work grind where all we do in life is work until we retire, then maybe we can live out some dreams of ours for a few years before we die. Those who want to live life differently. Those who want to actually enjoy their lives all the time, not just counting down the hours until the weekend or years to retirement. 

I agree with this mindset. If I could live my life the way I want, I wouldn't work in any typical way. I'd enjoy a slower life living along with the seasons, growing my own foods, foraging for some, hunting for others, and help others heal. That's all I want to do in life. I don't want tons of money. I just want to live peacefully, and that isn't possible here in the USA at all anymore unfortunately. So I aim to make the money I need in order to support myself and my kids while we work on our camper dreams to travel the country some, and then eventually make our way to Central and South America. 

Here's the link for the merch!


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