Does my sexuality bother you? Good. New merch!

So I recently started myself an OnlyFans profile, which you'd know if you read my last post. When I started it, I had the full knowledge that it would offend people, and I'm at a point in my life where I really just do not care anymore. I'm not a member of any church, and I'm iffy on even considering myself a Christian, so the typical Christian life rules that stifle any and all sexuality and differences just don't apply to me anymore. I recently unfriended a bunch of the super Christians that I did have on my Facebook page, because I was tired of their two-faced bullshit. That's what Christians are good at these days, just being two-faced. They aren't the people of God that they claim to be, but that's a blog post for another day. 

Knowing that I'd probably end up with lots of criticism because of my choices in life, I decided to make a TeeSpring design specifically for the people like me, that are standing up and saying that their sexuality is not up for debate, or criticism by closed-minded people like many Christians are these days. The phrase "Does my sexuality bother you? Good." is such a simple and powerful phrase for anyone who needs a little help in standing up for themselves around others. You don't need to speak, just wear this shirt (or pants if that's what you buy). It's a statement that places the shame squarely back on those who try to shame you and make you feel terrible for who you are. Be proud of who you are! I'm here to support you! 

Here's that link for you!


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