Separation is Scary, Support me!

 Today is a day that I've been both dreading and looking forward to for a while. My husband and I are separating, and my kids and I are moving out of my husband's house. This is the start of a whole new chapter in our lives, and it's pretty terrifying. 

Now, before I go on, I need to express that this relationship is not a dangerous one at all. It's not a bad relationship to most people. Neither of us are abusive or anything like that to one another. We're just realizing that we can't live together right now, or we will end up hating each other. So it's a trial separation for us to work on ourselves.

I have been a stay at home mom for the majority of the 13 plus years we've been together. Sure, I've worked a bit here and there, I've done some crafting, held a couple jobs for a bit, but mostly I've been a stay at home mom with no income of my own. I've been fully dependent on my husband to provide absolutely everything for us for years and years. 

So since we've been discussing this separation, I've been trying to make money on my own. Not from any "real job", since I homeschool my kids and we only have one vehicle. But I've been dabbling in all sorts of different areas to try to bring in just a little bit of income to support myself and my kids. Thankfully, I have family that my kids and I will be staying with, so it's not as big of a rush to make my own money. But I've been working on streaming on twitch as often as I can, in hopes that maybe I can eventually reach partner or affiliate or whatever it's called when you can finally get paid for playing video games and having people watch you. I've been creating designs and ideas to put on items to sell on TeeSpring. I've been working on writing books to sell on Amazon KDP. I've been crocheting a bunch, and doing commission work for some friends. I've started to work on becoming an Amazon Affiliate. I've even looked into OnlyFans and Snifffr for some really weird ways to make money. I've downloaded every app that claims you can make money from it. I've sold a bunch of my books. I'm determined to find a way to support myself and my children on my own. I just need to get started.

But in the meantime, until I'm successful at any of these ventures, I'll have to ask everyone to support me in some way or another. I'll gladly accept donations, or crochet commissions, or something else.

But today starts a new chapter of my life, and I'm absolutely terrified. This will hopefully be a good change, but that doesn't make it any less terrifying to me in the moment.


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