I've been on TikTok for a while now...

 I haven't ever really connected any of my social medias or other areas that I attempt to make money or whatever, but the entire point of this blog is to be a landing page for all of my different areas. One of my socials is my TikTok. I apparently have a small chunk of followers there, and maybe I can get them across other platforms as well. But anyway, here's my TikTok page link! Check me out, and follow me if you agree with me, or even if you don't!


My TikTok is really just a place where I tend to rant about things, where I talk about whatever in my life. I don't really have a set group of topics I talk about there, but it's another one of those platforms that if I get enough followers, I can bring in some extra income. As of writing this, I only have like 300 some followers, and I think you need to have 1000 followers to become an influencer, or whatever they call it. I'm hoping that when me and my kids start to travel, that I'll be posting videos of the places we go to, and the things we do. But of course, that requires income. I'll get there. One day at a time, one step at a time. 


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